Program Provides Student with Unique Perspective
Program Provides Student with Unique Perspective
Kristian Derrick, a third-year undergraduate student in political science, decided it was time to step outside of her comfort zone. Kristian grew up in Jackson, Tennessee, and up until fall semester of 2022, she had not been outside of the United States. Rather than the typical trip to western Europe, such as the UK or Italy, Kristian signed up for a SIT (school for international training) program that would take her to North Africa. SIT programs are unique in that they are interdisciplinary and focused on critical global issues. At the same time as Kristian took classes on Arabic language, research methods, and migration, she interned with Forum des Alternatives Maroc (FMAS), an organization that aims to spread democracy, human rights, and social justice.
“The program provided me with a lens that I otherwise would not have had to understand the scope of current global issues, specifically those regarding migration, transnationalism, political perspectives, and the effects of climate change,” said Kristen, who returned to Knoxville in December and plans on taking classes in the spring that will help her prepare for a career in the US Foreign Service.