Brandon Prins
Faculty and Staff

Brandon Prins
Department Head | Professor
Fields of Interest:
International Relations
Education: Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1999
Dr. Brandon Prins (Ph.D. Michigan State University) is Professor and Head of Political Science at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. The US Office of Naval Research, Y-12 National Security Complex, and the National Nuclear Security Administration have funded Brandon Prins’ research. Dr. Prins currently serves as Lead Editor for the journal International Studies Quarterly and he was recently awarded a three year Minerva grant from the US Office of Naval Research to explore the underlying causes of maritime crime and conflict in the Indo-Pacific Region. He is the co-author of Pirate Lands: Governance and Maritime Piracy published by Oxford University Press in 2021.
Guest Speaker Miles Kenney-Lazar: “Defending Accumulation: Global Rubber and the Embrace of Sustainability Capitalism”
Rubber plantations have been sites of social and environmental injustice since their colonial expansion. Several initiatives have emerged in recent years to address these...
Guest Speaker Miles Kenney-Lazar: “Defending Accumulation: Global Rubber and the Embrace of Sustainability Capitalism”Guest Speaker Miles Kenney-Lazar: “Defending Accumulation: Global Rubber and the Embrace of Sustainability Capitalism” 03:00 pm - Frieson Black Cultural Center- Date
- Location
- Frieson Black Cultural Center
“Oil Don’t Spoil”: ExxonMobile and the Challenges of National and Transnational Development in the Amazon Region
DESCRIPTION OF EVENT The visit of Dr. Vincent Adams to give a keynote at the University of Tennessee Knoxville in October 2022. Dr. Alexander’s lecture will be “ “Oil Don’t...
“Oil Don’t Spoil”: ExxonMobile and the Challenges of National and Transnational Development in the Amazon Region“Oil Don’t Spoil”: ExxonMobile and the Challenges of National and Transnational Development in the Amazon Region 05:00 pm - Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs- Date
- Location
- Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs
“Palm Oil Diplomacy”: Assessing Domestic Support for Indonesia’s Response to the EU RED II
Join us for the UT Global Studies Speaker Series as we proudly present a lecture titled “Palm Oil Diplomacy: Assessing Domestic Support for Indonesia’s Response to the EU RED...
“Palm Oil Diplomacy”: Assessing Domestic Support for Indonesia’s Response to the EU RED II“Palm Oil Diplomacy”: Assessing Domestic Support for Indonesia’s Response to the EU RED II 03:30 pm - International House- Date
- Location
- International House
Vols Making an Impact in Political Communications
The Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, College of Communication & Information, Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration, and Department of Political...
Vols Making an Impact in Political CommunicationsVols Making an Impact in Political Communications 05:00 pm - Communications Building- Date
- Location
- Communications Building
Interest Group Simulation with Political Communications Alumni
The Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, College of Communication & Information, Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration, and Department of Political...
Interest Group Simulation with Political Communications AlumniInterest Group Simulation with Political Communications Alumni 12:00 pm - Communications Building- Date
- Location
- Communications Building